
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ministry Monday Week #3: Simple Pleasures

Ministry Monday Week #3: Simple Pleasures

We have incredible news on the ministry front, but I think I will wait until next week to share it.  I'm going to let it settle in a little and find the right words.  

Meanwhile, I wanted to share a blog I read this week on the Characteristics of a Successful Missionary Woman.  Characteristic number eleven is:

"11. They value simple pleasures: flowers, walking, sunsets, baking a cake, photography, a cup of coffee, smiles, reading a book. They don't need things in order to be happy."

I'm thankful this characteristic is a part of my natural disposition.  However, I'll be honest there have been more than one or two days that I have wanted to pack it up and head "home".  Only to find I'm not sure where home is, because despite everything not going smoothly I love my adopted land and her people.  

Click on the link and enjoy the post.  It is on the Baptist Missionary Women blog, but you don't have to be baptist for this to apply to you.  It is a well thought out post, tempered with experience.  

Are you in ministry?  Did something on the list touch your heart?  What characteristics do you think are needed to be successful where ever you have been called to serve?

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