Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ministry Monday Week #2: Gifts from God

Incorrect position for sleep and birth
Gifts From God

God has sent some of his most precious gifts to one of the churches here in Oaxaca.  Six of the ladies are pregnant!  I often get ask after church to check blood pressure,  check a baby's position or to explain something they didn’t understand during their doctor visit.  It has been fun to share some of the excitement of welcoming a new baby with them.  

A few weeks ago I did a prenatal class for them.  We talked about how God’s word says that each person is created by God and I showed them how their babies are growing and forming.  Then we talked about how their bodies were designed to give birth and how the birth process works.  Finally we talked about ways to cope with all the intensity of the birth process.  It was such an honor and joy.  

Pray with me for these precious ladies and the babies they are carrying.  

Many of them are hoping and praying for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).  The odds are not in their favor.  The cesarean rate is 80% here and doctors can use lies and scare tactics to force woman into surgery.  I really don’t have any answers for them, but we talked about the science and ways they could try to approach their doctors about natural birth.  I think everyone enjoyed the class.  I know I did.

I forgot my camera.  These were taken with a phone camera.


  1. Wow. An 80% cesarean rate is criminal! This is so awesome Carie. You continue to inspire me!

  2. Thanks! We are just now getting settled in this area, so I am excited about being able to use my midwifery more. :)


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