
Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Way We Roll

This is the way we roll...literally...this is the way we roll down the road.

We all roll out of bed at 6:45 am (with the first snooze).  In 35 minutes everyone is dressed, packed, and the two little ones that were too tired to shower the night before are showered. That’s because one change of clothes, two pairs of underwear and one pair of PJs are packed in backpacks at the beginning of the trip.  The backpacks and shower bag are the only things that go into the hotel and the only things that have to be packed and rolled out in the morning.  At 7:15 am we roll out of the hotel parking lot and start the first mile of the 650 we will drive today.  This is the third long travel day since leaving Arkansas 6 days ago.   

We spend the first hours quietly pretending we are still asleep while listening to mellow Christmas music.  We do this until the gas gauge shows around one fourth of a tank or less.  The kids know “The Drill”.  Five minutes out all devices are put away (in this case there were none), all shoes must be on before stopping and you roll out of the van and back in before the gas is done pumping.  If you’re in Mexico, don’t forget a few pesos and toilet paper.  When you return to the car, get rid of all trash.  This process never takes over 10 minutes.  Seriously folks, that’s how it’s done.  You loose all your time and make your trip longer and your arrival time later with your stops.  Just ask my kids, they are experts.  
Coming over the mountains of Oaxaca.
Breakfast, yogurt that was bought at the gas station, is happily consumed while we put some more miles behind us.  A few more miles role by while the kids play games on their stuff, draw, and read.  Mom and Dad enjoy coffee and a nice chat.  Before you know it, almost four hours are behind us and we’re ready to listen to a sermon.  Dad has download a really good one.  Just click the link, and your family can enjoy it too.  {The Four Lepers}  Then there’s more watching the world go by and a quick five minute break.  This is because of too much coffee, normally we only stop when we need gas.  Our kid's normal response to a mid-tank stop is, “I don’t need to stop” or “ why are we stopping” or “Is something wrong” or “Are we getting pulled over?”  I would just like to add, that we don’t speed, but we live in a country where everything may not always be on the up and up, so the last one is a legit question.  

At the 5 or 6 hour mark it’s time to roll out a movie!  After the movie the tank reads around one fourth a tank again and we do “The Drill”, but even faster this time.  Go us!  Another hour of self-entertainment (that’s when I wrote most of this post) and “Oh look!” we’re in Puebla!  Only about 4 1/2 hours left!  Time for a chapter of David Platt’s book Radical, lots to think about and talk about with that one.  

Since Breakfast and lunch were in the car, I don’t know if we’ll make it home without stopping for dinner, but what a great day it has been.  Yeah for sleeping in our own beds tonight!  Thanks for all the prayers and we are so grateful for God’s hand of protection through three long days of travel.  

Check out how much time you spend at rest stops on your next trip, you’ll be surprised  how much longer it makes your trip.  Happy travels!  This family is going to settle down for awhile.  


  1. I am so glad you made it back safely! Our prayers are with all of you. I wished we would have had more time to visit. Who knows, maybe one of these days we will get to do a missions trip down to Mexico. Go Means family, go.... you all are real troopers! Love you, guys!

    1. Thank you so much for making the trip to come see us! It had been way to long and of course the visit was way too short, but we enjoyed every minute. Love, Carie


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