
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Angel Biscuits: The Magical Food of Home and Childhood

That Magical Food of Home and Childhood

There is something whimsical about Angel Biscuits.  The recipe came to us through Sam's mom.  It is one of her special dishes.  One of those dishes that evokes the feelings of childhood and comfort and home.  The dish that always gets gobbled down first at any gathering.  Always light and fluffy and melts right in your mouth.  It's an old recipe and the act of rolling out the dough, brushing on the butter, sprinkling on the cinnamon and sugar and rolling them up always makes me feel so smart and domestic in a good way.  Kind of like when you go out and cut herbs from your own plants for a dish you are making.  I hope your family enjoys this recipe as much as ours does.  You will find the recipe and a print friendly version at the bottom of this post.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Glorify to Simplify

Glorify to Simplify

Around October of 2012 two separate things I was reading brought my attention to an interesting fact that makes life much, much simpler.  The first was the quote posted below from the book When Helping Hurts.   

Monday, January 27, 2014

Ministry Monday Week #1: No Apostrophes

Aren't the kids good sports to go along with our "selfie" impulses.  It took about 10 tries of course!

Ministry Monday Week #1: No Apostrophes

Sometimes we get to see amazing things and we bust out our cameras and try to capture it and it's just not quite the same.  That is how I feel about trying to describe this weekend, but I will do my best.

Packed and ready for an adventure.
Several weeks ago Sam, along with two recent graduates from Baptist Bible Translators Institute, took a survey trip to a very interesting part of Mexico .  In 1954, Mexico put a dam in the northern part of Oaxaca near the neighboring state of Veracruz.  Thousands of acres of the Mazateca indigenous group's land was covered by water.  Some of the people moved to the water's edge, others remained on the islands created by the lake and some settled on the far side of the lake, which is best accessed by water.  They have carved out a new way of life in this mountainous, tropical lake area.  Banana, mango, papaya, and coconut all grow wild and fishing and hunting are abundant.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Kool-Aid Man

I love sitting around my the table talking to my children, of which several are really not children anymore.  They have thoughts and opinions about all kinds of things, but sometimes they are just funny.  Once you get one of them going they just feed off each other.  It can get quite loud and seem like complete chaos from time to time.  

Kool-Aid man photo bombed breakfast!

Tonight went something like this:

Me:  I don't know if it's because I'm a bit of a crunchy mama or if it's a third culture kid issue, but it was so funny when we were in the U.S. and Haden was offered Kool-Aid at a birthday party and he's looking at his aunt all unsure and says, "No, thank you."

Samuel:  Yeah cause he doesn't know what Kool-Aid is.

Haden:  What is Kool-Aid?

Me:  That flavored, colored water.

Haden:  Oh, yeah!  I didn't know what it was.

All:  {Laughing}

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Way We Roll

This is the way we roll...literally...this is the way we roll down the road.

We all roll out of bed at 6:45 am (with the first snooze).  In 35 minutes everyone is dressed, packed, and the two little ones that were too tired to shower the night before are showered. That’s because one change of clothes, two pairs of underwear and one pair of PJs are packed in backpacks at the beginning of the trip.  The backpacks and shower bag are the only things that go into the hotel and the only things that have to be packed and rolled out in the morning.  At 7:15 am we roll out of the hotel parking lot and start the first mile of the 650 we will drive today.  This is the third long travel day since leaving Arkansas 6 days ago.