
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

English Speaking Church

I love that my children APPRECIATE going to English speaking church in America.

They especially enjoy going to services at our sending church, Gospel Light Baptist Church.  We are so blessed to have GLBC.  It's a beautiful mix of sinners-saved-by-grace, both old and new.  The fire of the new, contagious and consuming and the knowledge and wisdom of the old, teaching and growing the new.  

It's such a blessing to be there, and being there yesterday was worth the 1700 mile drive.  My kids love everything about it.  

They love singing hymns in their mother tongue, they love the preaching, they enjoy their classes and teachers, and standing around after church and visiting.  

This mama is thankful today that one of my children's favorite things about visiting America is attending church.  

Next time you are sitting in church, take a moment and a deep breath for us to really APPRECIATE getting to be there.

Sunday morning after church, as a stroke of genius in my humble opinion, our pastor ask our children to give a report about our ministry and life in Oaxaca, Mexico.  They knocked it out of the ballpark!  

I'm not kidding, they did great.  We videoed it also, so I may try to get it up on YouTube.  In the future, I think we will have them do all the presenting!

Samuel speaking.
Josiah speaking.
Hannah finishing up.
I'm also thankful for:

  • warm milk froth in my coffee.
  • farm fresh eggs from Sam’s brother
  • a beautiful view of the Arkansas winter woods

1 comment:

  1. Carie, it was wonderful to visit with you and your family. There was so much to catch up on. And I really wished there would be more time. But God is good, and you all are in our prayers. I thank God for people to readily go and serve in foreign countries, under conditions that are not as comfortable as the ones here in America or Germany. I will pray specifically for your health, God's guiding and His peace and strength upon you. I love you, my friend, ... Manuela


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