We are now in a new area of Mexico and we have slowly been getting to know our new home. There are still many, many more things to see and discover, but here are some things we love about our new home.
1. It's incredible rich and diverse culture.
The area is littered with ruins from Mexico's indigenous past. |
Tejate is a yummy local chocolate drink. |
2. Rainy season, which is accampanied by more greenery than we had seem in several years. But seriously I love the sound of pitter-patter on the roof.
3. CafeCafe! See the this post for more about
4. Centro de Abastos, the large central market with all it's smells and colors and fresh fruits and vegetables. It's so large that even though we've been there 3 times, we still haven't seen it all, not to mention you save a bundle of money shopping there.
This women was kind enough to show off her beautiful breads. |
Can you guess this vegetable? |
Sam carrying a whole crate of apples through the market for me. I made apple cider vinegar , which we can't get down here and yummy apples sautéed in butter, suger and cinnamon. |
5. I'm loving attending pregnant moms and births again, with the added bonus of teaching. No matter how much I try to suppress it or deny it, one of my purposes on this earth is to care for women during pregnancy and childbirth and I'm thankful for the opportunity to minister in this way.
6. This Tacos stand is owned by one of the brothers at the Baptist church. They are incredible and trust me I've eaten enough tacos to know. He has a beef taco, a pork taco and tacos de cabeza (meat from the head of the cow) all amazing! Really it's his wife and daughters who prepare them, but I'm sure he helps.
Stay tuned for more mini tours of this amazing place we have the privilege of calling home. I even considering changing the name of the blog since it feels like our "wandering" may have come to an end, such an unfamiliar concepts to this family. However, even though we are making the city of Oaxaca our home, eventually we feel we will be ministering more and more in the vast unreached rural mountain areas that surround us.
Stay tuned, soon I will be posting about our new home we will be moving into this week. It will titled "We Bought the Zoo: or in our case rented it". Should be interesting!
UPDATE: Before I could get this posted, because of our sporadic internet, the house we were supposed to move into fell through. We are sad, because we were excited about all the ministry possibilities this building represented, but we are thankful for God's guidance and protection. However, that leaves all 7 of us humbly accepting help from friends, as we "crash on their couch". In reality, Sam and I have our own room with a private bathroom and our children are quite comfortable too. Pray with us we find a house very soon, so we can be much more effective here in Oaxaca.