
Sunday, August 7, 2011

I know the prayers our God's people make all the difference in our ministry and we are so thankful for all those who think of us and take time out of their day to pray for us.  i just can't say that enough.  Below are two examples of people praying for us that have been very encouraging to us.

Report from another missionary visiting Ozark Baptist Church:
"We were just at Ozark Baptist in Arkansas. They knew you and your husband very well (they support you guys.) Sang your praises. We were there for prayer meeting and let me just tell you that they were praying for you guy :)"

Another friend takes God's prompting seriously:
"I have been meaning to tell you about the dream I had a while ago. I woke up and was concerned for Sam and Hayden's safety -- they were the only ones in the dream, but I somehow knew you were all in danger an we had to get to you -- then I realized it must be from the Lord, so I prayed for you all. I prayed more than ever. And I prayed fervently for a few days after that before the email prayer request was sent out!! Praise the LORD for protecting your family! I am so grateful to be a part of that hedge of protection that was put around your family last month/ early this month and to be an ongoing part of your ministry! 

Of course we always pray for you. :) We will continue. We love you guys! 


Below is a chronological review of Sam's Facebook statuses, as you can see his trip was a very fruitful one. 

Tomorrow I start my trip back to our new town in Mexico (Encarnacion de Diaz), Carie and the kids will be in the States for a while longer. But for now a verse found in Phillipians 1:25 And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all...

From 1PM monday to 3PM Wednesday, I've taken two church vans, 1 train, 1 plane, a bus, and a taxi. Traveled about 2500 miles. AND arrived to our home in Encarnacion. Thankyou to all that prayed. Please continue to pray as I start getting the parts for a tent, that we will be able to get it done quickly.

FYI - for all. I've made to our town La Chona. The conflict that happened here lasted 4 days and has been quiet since. I've purposely been walking through the town just to see what the sentiment toward us would be/is...I feel as safe as anywhere else in Mexico. ---- The new tent church is coming along, God has clearly directed our steps in finding materials and manufactures needed to get this done. Lord willing we will be in it this Sunday. Thank you for your continued prayers.

The "tent" church is coming along. Drove through Aguascalientes for 3 days looking for a place to have the tent made and find the right size tubes for the frame. 1st we found the "tent" makers and it went from *$30K pesos to $20K to $8K....Praise GOD. Then drove all day Tuesday looking for poles...finally in exhaustion I prayed...Found the tubes 20 minutes later. PRAISE GOD from whom all blessings flow.  ENDSTATE: currently we have the frame built and will be picking up the canvas tomorrow afternoon. Should have the tent ready for service and the church fellowship this Sunday. God's so good to give us so many blessing...undeserving. *Prices listed in pesos, so divid by 12 more or less to convert to dollars.

Are you ready response "listo por Cristo" or ready for Christ or to do what ever Christ wants of me. Today we picked the tent up at 12:00, and we started putting things together. Bro Gerardo and I worked for 7 hours today getting it together. How do 2 men move 350-400 pounds of canvas tent up and over a 3.5 meter high frame..."poco un poco" (little by little).  The two rain storms that blew through made for some extra fun. Will have pictures soon. We Praise God for His provision for the tent and for keeping us safe today. Thank you to those who have been praying.

The church members were excited to be meeting in the new church.  It is a great solution until they are able to start building on the land that has been purchased and while they are building.  Sam has made his way back up to Arkansas and the entire family will be headed back to Mexico very soon.  We are all excited about serving in La Chona during the next year. 

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