
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sprinting to the Finish

 "Witness" from Heartland Baptist Bible College

We just started our third mission conference in a row!  Last Wednesday through Sunday morning, we were at a mission conference in Bartlesville, OK.  We really enjoyed ourselves and as usual were very encouraged by God's people, even though we were trying to be a blessing to them!  It was such a tremedously blessing to meet the Steffy's, who have been missionaries to the Phillipeans for 51 years.  I tried to play basketball with the Heartland Baptist Bible College kids and hurt for several days after.

They had a pinata for the children.
Then due to some God orchestrated circumstance, we ended up getting to be a part of a conference in Mustang, OK Sunday evening through Tuesday evening.  Our stay in Mustang was quiet and relaxing and we got some much needed rest.  We met a pilot training to work with missionaries.  I'm very excited about the possibility of being dropped off in some remote jungle someday, to catch some babies and reach people who have never heard the gospel.  Maybe I'll even be able to put that jump school training to good use!  Just kidding, I don't plan to jump out of any more perfectly good planes!
Tonight we began our third back to back conference and our last conference before leaving for Mexico.  It is at Gospel Light Baptist our sending church.  It was so good to be at our home church with our church family.  Sam has preached four times in the last week.  So far we have been to church 8 days in a row, so if we aren't all straighten out by now there is no hope! HA!
We leave for Mexico two weeks from today and my garden seeds arrived, so I'm all ready to go!


  1. Very cool, hey, the skiing pics look really cool! I've never been skiing...

  2. Kade,
    So exciting to see what you and your friends are doing for the orphanage. I couldn't find you on FB. I wanted to post a link to get the teen4orphage circulating in my circles. :)


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