Repurposing, I would best describe as something you have self recycled. Seriously, I put "recycled sewing patterns" in google and got almost nothing. When I put "repurposed sewing patterns", I hit the jackpot. You should try it. Well, actually if you have time to do that just for amusement, you have too much time and you need to head over here and help me school or clean or something.
Two Christmases ago I bought Hannah a small sewing machine and had great plans of incorporating sewing classes into our home school. We started this really cute project of turning a pair of jeans into a purse. Shortly after, pardon the expression, but it all hit the fan. Sam got deployed and I started apprenticing. As many of you home schoolers know, when life starts flying by way to fast, you drop all but the essentials. The sewing machine moved from the cabinet, to under the bed, to a storage bin in the shed. When we were going through the shed getting out home school supplies a couple of weeks ago, I grabbed the tote marker "sewing". It found a new home in the storage under the RV. 
Yesterday, just as we finished school and the boys went out to play their Thursday afternoon football game with some of their friends, Hannah asked to watch TV. So I got my exhausted rear end off the couch and dug our purse project out. Hannah was so excited. She absolutely loves sewing. She said she enjoys it more than knitting, that is was more fun than watching TV would have been and "A straight line feels so good", among other things. She was delighted. We finished up the project today and are excitedly searching for a knew project to start.
We lined ours with some super cute fabic and added two pockets to the inside, one of which holds her cell phone, the other her small Bible.

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