On June 9th I went to see Beth Day teach her awesome Lemaze childbirth class. It is always in impressive to see her in action. She does such a great job. You can find her at
http://www.foreverymother.com/During class Sam text: Skill assessment is here can I open
I reply: YES!!!!
He replies: CONGratulations! You passed!
I reply: Praise the Lord!
So I had to wait until class break to go to the bathroom and jump up and down and yell on the phone with him. At the time we also had a mother in labor so right after class I drove to a birth. How cool is that?
My facebook status said: I PASSED! WHAHOO!! {jumping up and down, hands in the air, doing a back flip...ok maybe not the back flip :) } WHAHOO!!!
I take the written test in August and them I am an official Certified Professional Midwife!
I forgot the directions for the Thia curry. But really, I am like a guy trying to put something together when it comes to cooking, directions are optional. Put all the ingredients in the blender, except the oil and blend. Add oil a little at a time. If you are a purist I guess you could use a mortar and pestle, but good luck on that one.
Solar Oven: cloudy days and two births and travel: dubbed for next week pending weather along with bread making.
Oh yes, we had two births last week. No correction, on Monday, when we had a bunch of appointments scheduled. Congratulations to the sweet families on their sweet new editions.
For those who don't know we are moving to Mexico as missionaries in early 2010. You can read more about that at
http://www.means2harvest.com/. We are now at about 30% of our needed monthly support!
Got to go eat dinner. Sam made the gaucamole and it's really good. If I stay on here too long I'll miss out.